Tuesday, February 22, 2011

About Me

Dear reader,

I am 35, from New Delhi, India. For work, I run a team of quantitative analysts at an investment bank in NYC. My posts are probably a better indicator of who I am than anything I cook up about myself in an "about me" section, so let me just say I'm still figuring it out for myself. 

My only superpower is being able to recall what I was doing on this date 'n' years ago. For example, on this day 11 years ago, I visited an art gallery in Delhi. On this day 2 years ago, I was on a road trip to Vermont. There's nothing special to write about other May 26 days. As you may have sensed by now, as far as superpowers go, this one is eminently useless.

This blog is a bit of a chaotic collection of my thoughts on various topics over the years since I was 19, plus a whole lot of personal musings, in addition to half-baked attempts at fiction and poetry. Those fiction attempts are all quite old by now - I don't remember attempting any story in the last 7 years. 

The blog lacks an underlying theme or lasting purpose, other than to continue to live so that I can revisit it. I like being alone sometimes, and I particularly like being alone with my past selves.

If I can help you in any way, or if you'd just like to get in touch, you can reach me through a comment on this post, which enables me to get an email alert.

Thank you for stopping by,
he whose blog it is.

*Last edit: May 26, 2021

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