Sunday, February 1, 2015

R for Basic Statistics - 1

R for Simulation, Sampling and Inference


outcomes = c("heads", "tails")
sim_fair_coin = sample(outcomes, prob=c(0.4,0.6) , size=100, replace=TRUE)

Another use of sample() is to sample n elements randomly from a vector v.
sample(v, n)

To create a vector of size 15 all of whose value are identical:
vector2=rep(NA, 15). NA is often used as placeholder for missing data in R.

For loop in R
for (i in 1:50) {}

Compare to Python (later)

Divide a plot into multiple plots using (following example divides plotting area into three rows and 1 column):

par(mfrow = c(3, 1))

Set the scale of any graph using xlim and ylim arguments.

range() when applied on vector gives a vector of length 2 showing the smallest and largest element of that vector. It is useful to set the scale of graphs using xlim and ylim. For example:

# Define the limits for the x-axis:
xlimits = range(sample_means10)
# Draw the histogram:
hist(sample_means10, breaks=20, xlim=xlimits)

A complete confidence-interval example (comment code later):

# Initialize 'samp_mean', 'samp_sd' and 'n':
samp_mean = rep(NA, 50)
samp_sd = rep(NA, 50)
n = 60

for (i in 1:50) {
   samp = sample(population, n)
   samp_mean[i] = mean(samp)
   samp_sd[i] = sd(samp)

# Calculate the interval bounds here:
lower=samp_mean - 1.96*samp_sd/sqrt(n)
upper=samp_mean + 1.96*samp_sd/sqrt(n)

# Plotting the confidence intervals:
pop_mean = mean(population)
plot_ci(lower, upper, pop_mean)

Please note below in the output of the program above, a great use case for plot_ci chart.

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